Preview: Transformers 3 rocks better than the other two?

The early buzz for the thrid chapter of the popular "Transformers" franchise is set into motion and it is ready to be unleashed in glorious - kill me now- 3D and in IMAX 3D, entitled "Dark of the moon". We all remember how bad T2 was with its completely incomprehensible storyline, waste of time and energy and weird/bizarre robots that had accents and made sexual jokes!? However, despite the huge lack of emotional and actual content, T2 made loads of bucks at the worldwide b.o thus the third entry was inevitable. People were more than sceptic to go and see it especially the fans after the vast disappointment of part 2. It seems that all the above are going to change. Capone from the Aint It Cool News website has seen an  incomplete version of the film and he starts to ... praising it a lot! This suggests that Bay and co actually heard the fans and tried to improve the quality. Capone mentions that civilians are dying in big numbers, Chicago gets annihilated within a solin one hour, the action is unbelievably crazy, no racial robotic stereorypes are present in this motion picture and the 3D works surprisingly well. For a full review get to the link above. I think i will go and see it. Until then, i will have to wait till july.

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